9 Surprising Benefits Of Lulo

Author: John Staughton (BASc, BFA)
Lulo is a citrus-like fruit that grows on a small shrub or tree. It is native to the northwest region of South America and has several names by which it is known. In Colombia, lulo is the accepted name, but in Panama and Ecuador (and parts of the United States), this delicious, tangy little fruit is called Naranjilla (it is also nicknamed as Colombian fruit). The scientific name of lulo is Solanum quitoense and the flavor is very distinctive and tart. Some people would compare it to a pineapple, or even a combination of lime and rhubarb. Different cultivars in different countries have slightly different tastes, as well as different concentrations of nutrients. The juice of lulo is a popular healthy drink, but the unusual green color of the juice may surprise some people.